Tag Archives: photo an hour

Photo an Hour: Traffic Control


Hey, internet! I’m back! I spent all last week in West Virginia for work, and I totally let my blog go. I did, however, do some exercises to helpĀ  me find my niche and really focus my blog, and make some more changes since I’m all sorts of fickle. More on that later. Today I’d like to give you a little peek into my life, or more specifically, what I do at work through the creative lens of a photo-an-hour. Here we go!

8:00amĀ  I’ve been standing here for an hour already, and I just had this great idea to take these pictures. This is my taper. It’s called a taper because it is the line that indicates one lane tapering into another. It’s a pretty easy concept, but I’ve seen some terrible looking tapers in my day.

9:00am It’s time for a bathroom break! Since I’m out on a country road in the middle of nowhere, there aren’t any public bathrooms around, and I couldn’t get a ride to the Porta-John, so I managed to climb down this very steep hill and hide in the tall grass.

10:00am I’ve been moved up the road a few hundred feet, and now I’m overlooking this cute little cottage. Later in the day I would be able to move closer and discover that it’s a garden shed.

11:00am The weather was very nice on Friday, but very sunny and very hot. Around this time there was a slight breeze I managed to capture.

12:00pm Tiger lilies.

1:00pm This is my Rite in the Rain Waterproof Notebook. I originally wrote this blog post in this little notebook, and it is amazing. The pages themselves are waterproof as well, which is 100% necessary. I once got sprayed by one of the water trucks on site with a thick black notebook in my pocket, full of tons of notes and ideas and doodles. My notebook was completely destroyed, and I was absolutely pissed. It will never happen again.

2:00pm There were at least 3 dogs on this road that just roamed free. All of them were very friendly and it was so much fun to watch them run around and play with each other and chase deer. On this day I tried so hard to get a good picture of the two that were playing near me all day, but they would never sit still for long enough, so this was the best I could do.

3:00pm I’ve been moved again, and I’m in a cozy little spot with a patch of black raspberries so close I can pick them. Too bad they’re not ripe yet.

4:00pm Oh, and this is my lovely mountain view from the little stretch of road I’m on with the raspberries. While it’s very nice, I wished I were in a less open area with a lot more shade.

Well, there you have it! By 5:00 my phone battery was dead, and by 6 I was on my way back to the hotel. I was pretty far from the actual road work that day, so it was all rather boring and I didn’t manage to get any shots of the equipment. Also, I wouldn’t have enjoyed being caught by the inspector or foreman while snapping photos. Mostly, when I’m out flagging I’m spending a lot of time alone, looking at the little things in nature and enjoying my time outside. It’s nice to have time to myself to cherish the great outdoors, and I hope you have the chance to do the same. Have a great week!